
首页 / 国外数据 / 地基观测数据
发布时间:[2023-02-28] 来源:[数据中心] 点击量:[166]

Data information:

Level 1a

Spacecraft attitude information

Precise orbit determination antenna tracking data

Radio occultation antenna tracking data

Level 1b

Atmospheric excess phase

Navigation bits used for processing open loop data in the lower troposphere

Ionospheric excess phase

Clock offset values for each LEO satellite

LEO orbit specification file

Absolute Total Electron Content and auxiliary data

S4 scintillation index and auxiliary data

Level 2

Atmospheric profiles without moisture

Low-resolution, atmospheric profile

ECMWF profiles

ERA-40 Interim reanalysis data

NCEP operational analysis data

Ionospheric profiles

Atmospheric profiles with moisture

Data Introduction: https://www.cosmic.ucar.edu/what-we-do/cosmic-1/data

Data access: https://data.cosmic.ucar.edu/gnss-ro/cosmic1/