
首页 / 子午工程数据 / 电离层数据
发布时间:[2023-01-09] 来源:[数据中心] 点击量:[277]


Data information: densities and temperatures in Earth’s thermosphere and ionosphere

Data Introduction: https://gold.cs.ucf.edu/data/documentation/

Data access: https://gold.cs.ucf.edu/data/search/



Data information:

Level 0

Binary instrument data

Level 1a

Spacecraft attitude information

Precise orbit determination antenna tracking data

Radio occultation antenna tracking data

Level 1b

Precise orbit determination solutions

Atmospheric excess phase

Absolute total electron content

Level 2

Atmospheric profiles

Electron density profiles 

IVM in-situ density

Data Introduction: https://www.cosmic.ucar.edu/what-we-do/cosmic-2/data

Data access: https://data.cosmic.ucar.edu/gnss-ro/cosmic2/



Data information:

Level 1a

Spacecraft attitude information

Precise orbit determination antenna tracking data

Radio occultation antenna tracking data

Level 1b

Atmospheric excess phase

Navigation bits used for processing open loop data in the lower troposphere

Ionospheric excess phase

Clock offset values for each LEO satellite

LEO orbit specification file

Absolute Total Electron Content and auxiliary data

S4 scintillation index and auxiliary data

Level 2

Atmospheric profiles without moisture

Low-resolution, atmospheric profile

ECMWF profiles

ERA-40 Interim reanalysis data

NCEP operational analysis data

Ionospheric profiles

Atmospheric profiles with moisture

Data Introduction: https://www.cosmic.ucar.edu/what-we-do/cosmic-1/data

Data access: https://data.cosmic.ucar.edu/gnss-ro/cosmic1/



1. Neutral Wind profiles, Line of Sight

2. Neutral Wind profiles, zonal and meridional

3. Neutral Temperatures

4. Daytime thermospheric O/N2 ratio

5. Nighttime ionospheric O profiles+

6. Daytime ionospheric O profiles+

7. Ionospheric plasma velocity and density

Data Introduction: https://icon.ssl.berkeley.edu/Data

Data access: ftp://icon-science.ssl.berkeley.edu/pub/



Data information: vector wind, temperature fields, gravity waves, species densities, airglow, auroral emission rates, noctilucent clouds, and ion drifts

Data Introduction: http://tidi.engin.umich.edu/html/go?access_data/main_data_access.html&menu_home.html

Data access: ftp://tidi.engin.umich.edu/tidi/


warm 卫星数据

Level 1B以及Level 2产品:






Introduction The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) archives and distributes mainly Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), laser ranging (both to artificial satellites, SLR, and the moon, LLR, Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), and Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) data for an ever increasing user community of geophysicists. CDDIS data and derived products are accessible at https://cddis.nasa.gov/archive and via other methods.



GOCE 卫星数据

Level 1 以及 Level 2 产品:





GRACE 卫星数据

Level 1B 以及 Level 2 产品,以及电离层相关后处理数据(TEC, NE):





OMNI data

IntroductionThe Low Resolution OMNI (LRO) data set is primarily a 1963-to-current compilation of hourly-averaged, near-Earth solar wind magnetic field and plasma parameter data from several spacecraft in geocentric or L1 (Lagrange point) orbits. The data have been extensively cross compared, and, for some spacecraft and parameters, cross-normalized. Time-shifts of higher resolution data to expected magnetosphere-arrival times are done for data from spacecraft in L1 orbits (ISEE 3, Wind, ACE), prior to taking hourly averages.

LRO also provides other widely accessed data that are frequently used with solar wind data. In particular, LRO provides fluxes of protons with energies above 1, 2, 4, 10, 30, and 60 MeV from several IMP and GOES spacecraft, and provides a wide range of geomagnetic and solar activity indices. The data are made available at daily and 27-day resolutions, in addition to hourly resolution. They are made accessible with a variety of functionalities from https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow.html.

High Resolution OMNI (HRO) data set include 1-min and 5-min bow-shock-nose- shifted solar wind magnetic field and plasma data from IMP 8, Geotail, Wind and ACE see: https://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow_min.html


Jicamarca Radio Observatory (JRO)

Data information: electron density, electron and ion temperature, drifts, RTIs and so on.

Data Introduction: http://jro.igp.gob.pe/english/






